
Chicken Noodle Soup in a Jar
By Thrive Life · 5 servings
5m prep time
10m cook time
by Heather Lorimer on January 1, 2015
Simple Chicken Noodle Soup. My kids favorite.
Print recipe
- 1 C THRIVE Chopped Chicken
- 2 Tbsp THRIVE Chicken Bouillon
- 1 tsp THRIVE Chefs Choice
- 1 tsp Salad Seasoning Blend
- 1/2 C THRIVE Celery
- 1/4 C THRIVE Carrot Dices, dehydrated
- 2 C Egg Noodle Pasta
- Jar Directions: Layer ingredients in a wide mouthed, quart-sized jar, shaking the dry powder ingredients into the bulkier items. Top with an oxygen packet (300 cc) for longer-term storage, or seal with a food saver. Cover with a new canning lid and hand-tighten the metal ring.
- To make: Add contents of jar to 8 cup of rapidly boiling water. Stir well. Simmer 10 -12 minutes until noodles are soft.
- A note on Food Safety: The Meal-in-a-Jar method is a form of Dry Pack Canning. The food inside the jars is preserved because the food is free of moisture and oxygen, the lack of which inhibits bacterial growth. Jars should be stored in a dark environment to prevent any nutritional degradation due to light. When packing your jars remember to always Sanitize all equipment before use. Be sure to dry all equipment thoroughly before using. Wash hands and or wear food handler’s gloves. Keep work area clean and dry. Use either method 1 or method 2 to remove the oxygen from your jar. Read more: http://www.cookingwithmyfoodstorage.com/#ixzz3NbcB7Vg6http://www.cookingwithmyfoodstorage.com/2014/11/how-to-make-meal-in-jar-two-methods.html#ixzz3Kg6HNnAK