
Easiest Pizza Ever
By · 8 servings
10m prep time
12m cook time
This recipe uses a pre-made crust, toppings with Thrive meat/veggies making it so easy and quick. Of course substitute for the ingredients you like, the amount you like and adjust the amount of water. By Amrina Rawji
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- 1/2 cup Thrive Chopped Chicken
- 1/2 cup Thrive Sliced Onions
- 1/3 cup Thrive Red Peppers
- 2 tbsp Thrive Spinach
- 2 tbsp Thrive Green Chili Peppers
- 1 package Molinaro's GF Pizza Crust with Tomato Sauce
- 1/2 cup Fresh Cheddar Cheese
- 1/2 cup Hot Water
- Put all the freeze dried ingredients in a bowl, add hot water and stir. Let sit for 5mins or longer, till chicken is tender and everything is refreshed. Can add more water if needed as well as drain water if too much. Important that it is refreshed well or it may burn in oven.
- Spread tomato sauce on pizza crust. Add the refreshed ingredients and top with shedded cheese.
- Bake accordingly to pizza crust package directions.